In the Summer of 2016, I began an internship with Artistry in Motion, a collaboration of highly skilled artisans that provide the highest of quality of props and set dressing, as well as offering historical consultation and art direction for films, television productions, and museum displays.

I worked as an intern in AIM‘s weapons department, and was tasked with sorting the company’s collection of firearms. During the winter of 2016-17, I inventoried and organized over 200 individual firearms ranging from weapons representing the 1700s up to modern day. I also learned the process of disassembling and cleaning over 30 of these weapons, the majority of which were reproductions of Civil War revolvers and flintlock and percussion-firing muskets
It was a pleasure and a privilege to work at Artistry in Motion, and I can’t thank them enough for the knowledge and experience I accumulated during my time with them.